Wednesday, June 03, 2015

Spring Clean 2015 ~ Master Bathroom

The master bathroom. Nothing says I love you or thanks for the 5 minutes of peace better than a clean toilet to sit down on!

For a while I have been irritated by the filmy view outside so I finally conquered it and scrubbed the room from ceiling to floor. The windows and the screens got a really good washing as did the light fixtures, baseboards, floors and even the little ledge we have where the tile meets the wall. I go in there and I feel happy getting ready in the morning.

Of course, the list above you cannot really see in a before and after photo but you can smell the difference!

Interested in doing yours but don't know where to start? Here is a detailed cleaning list of the Master Bathroom from my favourite cleaning gal, the FlyLady.

For today's before and after photos, the most drastic are of the cupboards and drawers. I should have taken a photo of all the hair that came out of them but that would be just gross so I'll spare you.

Under hubby's sink
Under my sink
Children's bath accessories
The main source of the hair build up.

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