Thursday, June 18, 2015

May 2015 Crafts

In May I had a pretty big creative list. 2 items did not get complete - sewing Santa Gift Bags (again) as when I sat down to make them I realized I need to buy materials for this project and making pillow shams to match a quilt I completed last month.

I did complete a custom white cotton crochet bikini for a client but she took it before I remembered to take photos. I still have two more to make in June and I'll be sure to photograph them!
Crochet baby cardigan & hat set with alpaca yarn and list in my Etsy shop.
Click the name of the item to be taken to the pattern I used.

Quilt item and list in my Etsy shop. I love the garden theme and how the backing is butterflies too (pictured in my Etsy listing).

Quilt and Bind 3 Victoria's Quilts donation

Knit TR hockey sweater ~ I knit it but I still need to block and sew the zipper on.

Bind PM quilt - Complete May 9

Cut, Piece & Quilt WCQG President's Challenge (60"x60"). It will also be my very first entry into a quilt show (October 2015).  I'm totally putting this in my laundry room when I get it back! 

Crochet alpaca baby sandals, hat and cardigan set for client.
Click the name of the item to be taken to the pattern I used.

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