Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Spring Clean 2015 ~ Master Closet

My biggest problem when feeling overwhelmed by the "stuff" in our home is that one day it's fine and the next I look around and see stuff and things to do everywhere. It paralyzes me so I do nothing for a few weeks while I "think" on it and try to devise a plan.

Thankfully this time I remembered FlyLady and her zones. Since I didn't know where to start, I jumped in where she was and I blindly followed her decluttering and deep cleaning list. It's working so well that I feel calm in the house, especially in the areas I have already done. It's so easy to want to do it all in one day but we all know it didn't get that way over night. I'm trying to remember this motto when I get frustrated at the slower but more thorough pace.

I followed this FlyLady detailed cleaning list for the Master Bedroom (including the closet and the bathroom). You are supposed to declutter first and then deep clean. I did them at the same time.

Before & After Photos (some may be fuzzy as I was using my phone during a Bingo game).
Left Top Photo: Before /  Left Bottom Photo: After
Right Photo: Suitcases put away where they should be
Left Photo: Before /  Right Photo: After
Left Photo: Before /  Right Photo: After
Left Photo: Before /  Right Photo: After


  1. Your closet looks great!! Don't you feel so much better now?! I rue the actual act of cleaning out my closet but love it afterwards!

    1. Thank you - I feel awesome! Doing it as part of a game made it even more of a rush. I walk in there often and just stare and the empty spots on the floor. Next time I'll cull some clothes. This time I just wanted it tidied up.


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