Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Giving Some Baseboard Love

While I was on my hands and knees to clean the grout on my floors using the amazing grout cleaner recipe I found on Pinterest, I got really up close and personal to the baseboards. They had really taken a beating from our own little people and the daycare children I care for.

The scuffs started bothering me more and more as the month progressed so I decided to clean them. I scrubbed at the baseboards and they still had that scuffed look to them.

Today I got out the trim paint and touched up the baseboards and the trim (about 3/4 of the way up where little people could only reach). I probably could have sanded and filled with wood putty but I just wanted a fast fix. It's a simple white but I'm amazed at how much better they look with just a quick touch up.

Now that the paint is out, perhaps tomorrow I'll tackle the kids play stove that was once white but needs some serious touch up love.

What have you finally gotten around to that you are glad you did?

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