Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Amazing Grout Cleaner

I should be finishing off the last two items on my April list of crafts (watching a Craftsy serger course and finishing top quilting a baby quilt). I got to checking Pinterest and found an "Amazing Grout Cleaner" homemade recipe by
Unique. Just Like Everyone Else.

I (foolishly) didn't really believe it was as amazing as was claimed. I also didn't have ammonia so I replaced it with bleach (note I did NOT MIX as this is toxic, I REPLACED). I started on a small spot. In the middle of my front hall (duh!). Thankfully it is a small space, but still - what was I thinking? Well, it worked (yay!).

So well that I need to now complete the rest of the area because the grime is really standing out even more.

I even did our little bathroom that the daycare children used. It was getting really gross in there. Look at how awesome it turned out!

I almost forgot to take a before photo, so the before shot is when it's wet but you can still see how dirty it was.

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