I have been dedicating one hour per day (at least) on the quilt and get it done. This will allow me to complete the Office/craft room organization goal that I have because it will clear up a lot of space and give me a huge sigh of relief to have delivered it to my parents, the intended recipient.
This is a photo of my current set up with the frames and my Kenmore machine.
When the quilt is complete I plan to sort through the two garbage bags and several gallon bins full of donated yarn I have received to complete blankets for charity. That's going to be a fun but big project. If you look closely underneath the frame in the photo above you can see the yarn bags/totes stuffed under the table!
Here are my inspiration pictures from Green Fairy Quilts that I am hoping to even closely duplicate on this quilt.
I love this border design. I used the triangles and flowers inside it on the red and green 3-cluster 2" borders. I did a loop design in the center one as I wasn't feeling the love or confidence to attempt the circles.
If you look at the first photo you can see that the stars look like "x"s. I am trying to get them to pop. I am hoping this stitching pattern will do that.
In terms of my sewing room, in addition to wanting this big project complete, when the room is cleared out I really want to make myself a crafting sanctuary with some soothing paint, WAY less clutter and some inspiring photos in the room. A girl can dream, right?
This is my inspiration for the table frames. I love how the table lamp, the plate and the tea cups make it a cozy set up. I also have a board on Pinterest set up with inspiring sewing room photos.