The Start of 2015

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The Christmas season is joyous and full of the love of friends and family.

In our culture we feed each other love through food (and more and more food!!).

No calories at Christmas, right? (Why is it always the thin people who say this?!)

Well I had a lot of love the whole of
December and my hips and butt are showing it. I especially don't like the feel of that love as it hugs me on my lower body.

Two weeks ago I mentally berated prepared myself to get back onto "good eating" (my diet of choice this time is Dr. Bernstein for which I have had great success).

Last Sunday (December 28, 2014) I was ready and I set out for a fairly successful week of healthy eating and weight loss.

As of Thursday, January 1, 2015 I was down 4.4 lbs. Whew!
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It is amazing the discipline of tracking my weight each morning and watching the scale go down as well as entering my food on the My Fitness Pal app.

I especially love entering the water - I was only at 4 glasses each day but that was a huge improvement to how the last few months have gone with barely any pure water in my system.

I cut out sugar (and had a day of the dizzies as my body craved it) and the carbs and boy did the bloating let loose and I felt that the inches were melting.

I have no idea what got into me yesterday afternoon and today - it was like I had never seen chocolate before. I went nuts!

Perhaps it is the vacation mode of the past two weeks (which was really needed!). Overall we had a wonderful bonding time with our family of four and I would not trade that for anything as those memories are irreplaceable.

Tomorrow is a new day. I will drink a few more glasses of water before bed tonight and start again in the morning, remembering to hide the chocolate that protein is my friend and in this case sugar and excessive carbs make me feel terrible and my skin and hair get dry and difficult to style without at least one liter water.

What will you do to feel better about yourself this week?
